Most popular

Perfect for small businesses or organizations

$0 /month
8 products per store

From a list of popular products

Every 3 months

Update your logo or products

1 admin user

View orders, give feedback, and manage your store


Larger organizations or more complex gift giving requirements

$99 /month
Multiple branded stores

For unique tiers or logos 

32 products per store

From our vast catalog


Update your logos or products

Up to 10 admin users

View orders, give feedback, and manage your store

Categorized shopping

Store menu for easier shopping


The most complex organizations or gift giving requirements

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10+ branded stores

Give you the most flexibility

Hundreds of products per store

From our vast catalog


Updates to logos or products

Unlimited admin users

View orders, give feedback, and manage your store

Categorized shopping

Store menu for easier shopping

Single Sign-On
Store Access Control

Control user access to stores and gift codes

Unique gift experiences

Charitable donations, unique products, and custom gifts

What every plan gets you

online store image
Branded swag store

Available 24/7 online with no inventory or hassle required.

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Send gift codes

Send store gift codes to one or many people easily.

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sender Notification

Sent to you when one of your gift codes is redeemed.

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Weekly summary

Stay up to date on store orders and gift code usage.

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